Welcome to the Levite Support Blog!

Why "Levite" ?

The word "Levite" comes from the name Levi. Levites are the descendants of the Tribe of Levi, the first tribe of Israel. Levi, the tribe's head was the eldest brother of Joseph(the dreamer).

Originally, firstborn sons were designated to be the holy tribe, the ones who would serve in the Tabernacle and the Temples, and be the spiritual leaders of our nation; God having "acquired" them when He spared them during the Plague of the Firstborn in Egypt. When the Tribe of Levi proved their mettle during the debacle of the Golden Calf, God removed the privilege of priesthood from the firstborns and instead sanctified the entire tribe of Levi.

The Levites' primary tasks in the temple are:

> Carrying the Tabernacle and its vessels when the Jews traveled in the desert.
Guarding the Temple as watchmen and doormen.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Age Requirement for the Ministry?

So is there an age requirement to enter God's ministry?
Do we have to be of certain age before we can be used by God to bless other people?
Well I don't believe so!

Samson, from his birth, was dedicated to the Lords service, Samuel was also dedicated to God's service from childhood, Timothy was a teenager when he started in the ministry, and Jesus first lead a form of Bible Study when he was 12 years old.

We are called to service since our birth! We were already chosen even before we were formed.

Brothers and sisters, as young or old as you are, i urge you to start working for God's kingdom. Its never to early nor too late to serve God right?

I saw this video from TANGLE and was just inspired by how this child blesses the congregation, even if they do not understand what he says. (You may want to stop the edge radio player first) Please watch this.

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