So now that we know that there is no one too young or too old to be in Christ's service, what about the other criteria?
What if we are not good speakers, or were not patient enough, or not good looking? Are we still qualified to be workers of God? A teacher once told me that skills are learned and perfected by practice, and another told me that God looks at the heart. The Bible is filled with underdog stories that triumph because of their faith and God's help. Remember, God said "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9). Here's a video of some bible characters whose weaknesses are backed up by God. enjoy!
But wait! Just because God's power will make us perfect, doesn't mean that we are to do nothing already. We should still do our part in practicing and rehearsing and studying and training and listening. notice that I used the word AND. It means that these are not optional - these are required. We NEED to work hard for the skills that we need for by practice and continuous studying comes perfection.
the video can be found at the emerge network