Welcome to the Levite Support Blog!

Why "Levite" ?

The word "Levite" comes from the name Levi. Levites are the descendants of the Tribe of Levi, the first tribe of Israel. Levi, the tribe's head was the eldest brother of Joseph(the dreamer).

Originally, firstborn sons were designated to be the holy tribe, the ones who would serve in the Tabernacle and the Temples, and be the spiritual leaders of our nation; God having "acquired" them when He spared them during the Plague of the Firstborn in Egypt. When the Tribe of Levi proved their mettle during the debacle of the Golden Calf, God removed the privilege of priesthood from the firstborns and instead sanctified the entire tribe of Levi.

The Levites' primary tasks in the temple are:

> Carrying the Tabernacle and its vessels when the Jews traveled in the desert.
Guarding the Temple as watchmen and doormen.

Monday, May 4, 2009

the checklist

Getting ready in leading or playing in a praise and worship team is very different from getting ready in a secular band. why? because the audience is different. Instead of playing for a bunch of people, you are playing for the creator of the universe - God. Here are some aspects that you need to be ready at before starting the praise and worship:

1. Spiritual Aspect

God looks at your heart. Anything unblemished is not worthy for Him. Always keep a pure heart (even when you're not leading or playing). Worship is not just songs and dances; it's a lifestyle. Do not be hypocrites singing praises to God but hides a rotten heart inside. People might not see it, but God does.

Praise and Worship is also a battleground between you and Satan. He will try to snatch the congregation from their focus to God and lure their attention elsewhere. During praise and worship, it is your responsibility to kick Satan out and keep him out of the picture.

2. Technical Aspect

Like the secular bands, we also need to be technically ready. Our God only deserves the best and that's why we should give Him our best, not just our average. Being technically ready means that you memorize all the notes, lyrics, beats, etc. of the songs you are going to play. It also means that everything that you need is ready e.g instruments, sound system, projector, mics, etc.

The Levites give the best example for being technically ready. They study and train hard for years before they get in to the ministry. they were experts at what they do and so they CAN give the best for the Lord. Practice. Practice. Practice. That is what we need. Don't just find time for practice, make time for it.

3. Mental Aspect

It is also very important to be mentally ready. I've seen praise and worship leaders black our befre the whole congregation just because they weren'tmentally prepared. You need to think about what to say or do before you start. You also need to be ready for the things that might happen when your already on the stage - whether it be good or bad.

Being ready is also a form of commitment to the ministry and to the Lord. You cannot be ready unless without putting some time into it. So, are you ready to lead? :)

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